Collective #862

When Regex Goes Wrong * Video-to-ASCII * What Is React.js?

Case Study: Mount Media

During Mount Media’s rebranding journey, its website became the ultimate stage for showcasing its «we know how to result» vibe. Here is a long story short about teamwork behind it.

Spring Boot with AWS S3, S3Client and Kotlin

Hello and welcome to the first article in a series dedicated to integrating a Spring Boot Kotlin app with AWS S3 Object Storage, in which I will show you how to properly set up the connection and make use of the S3Client. What can you expect today? Well, at the …

From Design to Development Without Translation: How to Find the Real Source of Truth

Escape siloed design and engineering processes and speed up your product development by using code as your single source of truth. Let’s explore how.

Create a Toggle Switch in React as a Reusable Component

Learn how to create an iOS-inspired toggle switch using React components, building a simple demo React App for using this custom toggle switch component. Continue reading Create a Toggle Switch in React as a Reusable Component on SitePoint.

Collective #861

The Monospace Web * State of CSS 2024 * Free Public APIs

Inspirational Websites Roundup #65

Discover a fresh selection of inspirational websites, each featuring exceptional design, to ignite your creativity.

How to Create a PS1-Inspired Jitter Shader with React-Three-Fiber

Learn how to create a custom jitter shader in React-Three-Fiber, inspired by the visual style of PS1-era games, to add a retro aesthetic to 3D models.

OpenX uses AmpereOne-powered C3A instances on Google Cloud to drive sustainability and performance at scale

Find out how OpenX leverages AmpereOne-powered C3A instances on Google Cloud to enhance sustainability and performance. Continue reading OpenX uses AmpereOne-powered C3A instances on Google Cloud to drive sustainability and performance at scale on SitePoint.

Collective #860

React is (becoming) a Full-Stack Framework * Zen Browser * Parallel DOM